The trial-verdict and impact of the Mark Houck trial


This week on Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Seltz and his guest, Kingsman leader, Pro-life sidewalk counselor, author, speaker, father of seven, Mark Houck talking about his arrest by the department of Justice and his acquittal to the outrageous federal case against him which wrongly charged him for FACE ACT violations when he was merely defending his 12 year old son from a profane, belligerent pro-abortion activist. What are the ramifications for the win? Listen as we discuss the case and why standing up for the Bible’s message for others is need now more than ever. Hear again the moral, biblical perspective to “speak the truth in love” on these vital issues….as we continue to grow in the 2KG-citizenship-wisdom needed times like these. Join us!

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Toward a more perfect union


A fearless new year’s blessing to you all!