The church must speak

The church must speak especially where the world is silent, especially when the world is in opposition. Some have said that our church is well known for what it's against. By that I assume they mean abortion, and perhaps that includes the rainbow pride as well. Consider these topics as being as closely related as the heart and lungs. I'm not so sure that all our pastors, certainly not our people, are on board, preaching as if it matters, as if lives are on the line, as if what we say about the unborn baby reflects what we say about the incarnation. But, in as much as we are pro-life, there is much for which to be thankful, and now, considering the world's support of the killing, not simply hiding behind the euphemism of choice, but the actual wearing of abortion lapel pins, we ought all redouble our efforts.

The rainbow pride, a sister to critical race theory, or critical theory in general, is an even tougher one to talk about, not that the biblical evidence isn't clear, but because of the world's opposition, and its track record of labeling, isolating, marginalizing, fining, and firing anyone who acts or speaks against it. We may say that something like so-called gay marriage is a sin, but then so is divorce. We may say that our own lax views on sexuality have opened the door to things worse. But we should not delude ourselves. If we say that divorce is bad, we will have opposition in our own congregations, but if we say that gay marriage is not really a thing, then we will face the drastic societal consequences applied by our cancel culture.

But we should also recognize that this is not simply about being against a particular sin, but is in fact a defense of children, as is abortion. Every child has a right to be born, and every child has a reasonable right to a mom and dad. This should not be so hard to say, and we should say it, and say it clearly, without equivocation. In doing so, we strengthen especially the faithful who feel that the church has gone silent and that they are alone in their stand for Christ's truth. That is to say, if a church or school feels free to hold a convocation in support of something that society is pushing, it should all the more hold convocations in support of those good things on which society has declared war.

And so it is, our people and our students should know the names of Barronelle Stutzman and Jack Phillips. We should stand not with our cultured despisers, but with Christians who are actually making a good confession and paying a price. We should avoid the temptation of trying to look good in the eyes of the culture's cool kids who have no love for us or the truth that we have to offer. My own advice is this: If you are not sure about a group's stand on matters of justice, bring up justice for the unborn. Make it a point. And then bring up justice for the children and for true marriage. See how then you are received. As you know, the cool kids won't like you anymore, and, in that, you will see their true nature and aim.

The Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer is chairman and professor of Exegetical Theology and director of the M.A. program at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

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Be Equipped

Learn more about a new study on the mental health of women pressured into abortion. Dr. David Reardon, author of “Effects of Pressure to Abort on Women’s Emotional Responses and Mental Health,” explains.

Be Encouraged

Psalm 139 tells us that God is watching every one of these young bodies as they’re growing in their mother’s womb, because he placed them there. Now we know that there are a lot of people in this country that don’t believe, that don’t see these babies as being important. They don’t even see them as lives. . . . We have to pray. We need to pray with the same fervor that we prayed with during that week. Because God answers prayer and he will answer these prayers to save these precious unborn lives as we go forward. So if we do our part, we will save more and more of these lives.
— Tony Dungy, former coach

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