Pro-life leadership with Montana senator Steve Daines


This week on The Liberty Alert, join Dr. Gregory Seltz and his guest, Montana Senator Steve Daines discussing all things “pro-life.” Talking through the Dobbs Case, the Supreme Court, the latest Democrat “infanticide” bill and the opportunity for our country to return the dignity and the rightful protection of life, especially pre-born life in the womb. Listen in for the political, the cultural, the moral, and the faith perspective on these vital issues even in our entertainment media and culture….as we continue to grow in the wisdom needed to be 2 Kingdom citizens for the country we love. Join us! Please join Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director, Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, for the Liberty Alert, Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 2:00 PM (EDST) 1:00 PM (CDST) addressing these issues from a “2KG perspective”.

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