A forever freedom that holds, that lasts!

One of the issues plaguing our country today is the pressure of tribal “identity politics” which pulls apart the fragile unity of the American experiment of liberty. Identity politics emphasizes that which divides us, rather than that which unites us. Now you might be a person who thinks that such a political strategy is one whose time has come. I’m not one of those. Why? Because the power grab that comes along with emphasizing our differences naively asserts that the coalescing of power in the hands of a few sinful people is no big deal. Furthermore, the view that the government can care for people better than they can care for themselves is to me a recipe for the unraveling of our society, not the solidifying of it. If there is any genius in the American experiment, it is the fact that our Founders created a government that limited federal power in order to set individual, self-disciplined, religiously-motivated citizens free. Such an endeavor was rooted in these two fundamental principles about humanity: 1) the common dignity of all people rooted in their being created by God, and 2) the common depravity and brokenness of all people because of sin. The depravity of man caused them to fear power in the hands of the few because of the tendency to use it to do what is in one’s own selfish interests, rather than for the good of others. Yet their view of the dignity of all people also created a polity that has provided freedom to people from virtually every corner of the globe. That’s a freedom worth celebrating, and worth protecting.

But our text for today reminds us that even the best we have to offer is nothing compared to the freedom that God makes possible for us through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Our best efforts at establishing an “enduring freedom” are fleeting because of sin and the spiritual bondage that lies within us, not merely in our systems or organizations. The one relationship that can “right our lives” is our relationship with God who is Himself the essence of freedom, love, righteousness, and peace. John paints a picture for us of what freedom in Him is, one that is earned, delivered, and sustained by Christ alone. The freedom that comes by faith in Him is the only freedom that really lasts.

So be thankful for the temporal freedoms that you have, especially in this election year. But even more so, “get the picture” of what really matters for your life, for your family and your friends, namely, a freedom that can never be taken away. See the culminating vision of John in which every tribe and nation are gathered around the throne of God, truly unified by faith in the salvation that belongs to God and to the Lamb, Jesus (Revelation 7:9-10). Only God Himself can ultimately unify what we seem to divide and destroy so easily.

So this election year vote for the platform that has the government doing what it is supposed to do for the good of all, and not doing more than that. Vote for the platform that protects the church, her ministries and her schools, and also protects the free citizens of the United States to live virtuous, self-governing lives motivated by their faith. But always remember that whatever might happen to the American experiment, there is a greater and more enduring freedom. It’s the freedom that comes from the person and work of Jesus Christ who overcame sin, death, and the devil on the cross of Calvary so that all might receive eternal life as a gift, and eternal freedom as His pledge. It’s the only freedom that holds forever, and it lasts no matter what happens in this world.

What a privilege we have today, the privilege of voting to undergird the blessings of the founding of a country that took human dignity seriously for the sake of freedom, the freedom to do what is right. But even more vital to our lives, both now and forever, is the Bible’s message of enduring freedom, one that took our fallen human nature so seriously that God sent Jesus, the Lamb, to be sacrificed for us and for our salvation. Thank God we have the temporal freedom to proclaim God’s ultimate freedom that was earned on the cross in order that others might also be saved, now and forever!

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, give us all wisdom and courage to put our earthly freedoms to work for the sharing of Your eternal salvation, a gift that comes by grace through faith. Give us all thankful hearts for the blessings of both! AMEN.


Vote - principles, platforms, with a healthy skepticism!


If you want justice